While this is an earthly tragedy and we weep for his family and for those closest to him, let's praise God for this servant. A man who served the people he loved with vigor, leaving everything he had on the alter. A great father and husband and a visionary that ran a hard race in hopes of seeing Christ's message transform a country. His life was a true example of what it means to live be a "living and holy sacrifice...a spiritual service of worship." (Rom. 12:1)
Garrick, while breaking this news to our team, used this verse which I think is a great truth that we should hold in our hearts in a time like this:
Col. 1:17 "He is before all things and in Him all things hold together."
We ask you to pray for these things in these difficult moments for Cambodia:
1.) Pray for his family, that the Lord would hold them tight in this moment. That they would feel his grace and his love as they deal with losing a father and a husband.
(because of security concerns we want to keep his name and his family's name anonymous but our Father knows of this servant's family)
2.) That the rest of the team in Cambodia can deal with the loss of a brother, friend, and leader. More responsibility is going to placed on every member of the team in order to continue the work on the ground. Pray that God would give them strength
3.) Pray for the Cambodian people. This servant was loved by the Cambodian people both believing and non-believing. Pray that God would use this death as a catalyst to embolden believers to live out their faith and that those who are lost could see the hope that comes from living a life of faith in Christ even in the midst of tragedy.
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