Monday, January 19, 2009

One Body

God, the Creator of all things and the omnipotent being in the Universe, designed us to be one. The institution of the Church was designed to be made up of unique individuals, with unique callings, and unique gifts to be used in accomplishing His greater plan for mankind. 

"Now All of you together are Christ's body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27.

Our team is no different. From spiritual gifts to occupations to life experiences, our team is incredibly diverse. Our prayer is that we would be that One Body that is discussed in Corinthians, acting as one unit made up of individuals, selfless and giving, and unified in the ultimate goal: that Christ would be exalted among the nations. 

Thank you as well for being such an invaluable member of the Body. Your prayers are coveted and incredibly essential in meeting this calling. 

Prayer Requests:

1) That our team would be unified as one body throughout the trip. 

2) That our Cambodian brothers and sisters would continue to be unified and devoted to each other.

3) That our hearts would be broken for the Cambodian people.

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