Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pivotal Man

We all know that one person that is incredibly influential in their community, a person that others look to and follow even though they are not powerful or a person in a formal leadership role. 

There is such a young man named Bunruon in the village where our team worked. When one member of our team asked him what he believed he said, "I'm almost a believer." When pushed deeper he said he had a hard time understanding why Christians don't always act like Christians and it was hard concept for him to understand. Throughout the week members of our team loved on him and encouraged him and he is getting closer and closer choosing to follow Christ. We've heard that this last Sunday he visited the local body of believers and brought his Buddhist sister. 

Lift Bunruon up in prayer and pray that the Holy Spirit would break his heart and open his eyes to the Gospel and that He could be used to influence those around him. 

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