Our feet are back on American soil and it's time to figure out what it all means.
I apologize for not being able to update our blog and give more detail of our trip throughout the week. The daily prayer requests were created before we left and because of the internet connections and time constraints we weren't able to update the blog like we would have wished. With that being said we are so thankful for your prayers and support.
We were all touched in different ways by the things we saw and experienced: a culture separated from Christ, idolatry, poverty, and yet hope for a future.
I hope that you will ask those that you know that went on this trip how the Lord spoke to them and used them. Because of security concerns I want to be vague on this blog but they will be able to discuss more in detail about the believers and followers of Christ who are being used by the Lord to make a difference in the kingdom.
Here is what I've learned:
Man is entirely evil and hopeless without Christ. Simply put, we have nothing to live for and nothing to gain from this life without the blood of Christ. It is the message of Jesus Christ that transforms culture and transforms lives. The selfless and sacrificial love of Christ changes hearts.
The things we concern ourselves with in America are just as silly and pointless as the alters and empty idols that the Cambodians worship.
God doesn't just call some people or the spiritual elite to live this sacrificial love but he calls all of us who are members of His body to act as one and serve those around us.
God is calling you to your Cambodia... your neighbors and co-workers and family and friends. He wants us to be proactive. To seek out the lost and the hurting in our world and be His hands and feet and love them as he would.
Continue to pray for Cambodia and that God will continue to break the hearts of a people shackled by tradition and living without grace. Continue to pray that the Lord would raise up Christian leaders and strengthen and embolden his people Cambodia and here in the US.
Thank you again for your prayers!